We are at our 12 (1 Year) months mark in the making with our missions & projects!!!!!!!!!!!!=(More Marks To Come!)
Thank you all of those who are supporting us!!
"You are about to embark on viewing the first time attempted exposure of a broken & failing system by a Warrior who has been able to go this far with an original & unique platform."
Please, note: this (Visitor Tracker Ticker) has been installed on this date: 29/05/2019. But the website as been active since this date: 08/08/2018. There has not been an official tracking of visitors to our website until now. The current count doesn't reflect an accurate count.
"When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned."
-Herbert Hoover
(31st U.S. President)
The Book
The book is in the process of currently being written, while still compiling research of data for the book, and the goal is for the draft to be finished sometime by 2019 & the projected date to be self-published by 2020.
(When the book is self-published: The Military/ Veteran Community of the U.S./ U.K./ R.O.P. (Republic of the Philippines) & Canada will be able to get access to the online copy version of the book for free, at this time.)
'Warning...Broken Promises Ahead!'
"The Warrior Who Rattled The Cages & Poked The Bears: By Exposing The Truth About A Failing & Broken System of The Department of Veteran Affairs Administration"
Future Self-Published Book Author:
Warrior Timothy W. Sanders
The book will reveal the history of the creation of the Veteran Affairs Administration, and the similar government entities that care for their veterans in their country, and the history of the past and present failures and successes of the VA or of the ones from other Nations through the perspective and firsthand experience of Warrior Tim's dealings in the U.S. VA's and abroad, and from other Warriors who have had or currently having dealings with the VA from the U.S. as well by asking the million dollar question, and facing the elephant in the room; "Was the VA Destined to Fail From the Beginning of Its Creation and Can the VA Reverse It's Course of Direction of Being Phased Out Because of Being Broken to the Point of No Return of Fixing Itself: And How Are Other Countries Caring For Their Veteran Community Compared to the U.S.?"
Additional Insight:
Warrior Tim believes the Veteran Affairs Administration was doomed to fail or not be able to fulfill the obligations of taking care of our Veterans through several upon several Presidencies from the past and the current Presidency, because of many factors that the book will reveal those bullet points, but even though I feel already the VA is broken and failing the Veteran community, I will still be bringing insight of both sides of the spectrum of what others may think is the truth behind the status of where the VA currently stands with being able to meet its obligation of being charged with the responsibility of taking care of our Warriors or not able to. The book will also highlight, and reveal those vital bullet points that will elaborate more in detail of what has been addressed, and concluded in the book about the VA.
The U.S. Veteran community really do not speak much of other countries veterans or seem to really want to be involved with other countries veteran issues knowing the Veteran Community in the U.S, have their own issues to deal with and from what Warrior Tim has so far perceived is that even other countries really are not involved with other countries veteran issues let alone the U.S. Veteran Community besides 2 main one's that is affiliated with the UN (United Nation), and they are the following: World Veterans Federation (WVF):
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Veterans_Federation or International Veterans For World Peace:
Let's just say that Warrior Tim's approach with his missions & projects of the writing book project/ and of the future Warrior Tim's Foundation will not be affiliated with the UN, because not all countries are true allies with each other, and some of the countries have strain relations with each other, and it would not be a good fit for Warrior Tim's Foundation, and at this point that is all will be addressed of not being affiliated with UN-Veteran Organizations in-defiantly.
Warrior Tim may be the first ever as a disabled combat veteran/ warrior minister/ advocate/ blog author/ and as a future book author: who through his missions & projects has exposed the broken & failing Dept. of the VA & other aspects of the U.S. government as a "Whistleblower", and that would explain why Warrior Tim has had so many challenges since the beginning of the missions & projects that Warrior Tim has in the past explained that fact of truth of difficulties but Warrior Tim will explain more in detail in his book, 'Warning Broken Promises Ahead!'; of why this is important to bring up.
The book will have facts of information, and statistics that will have been researched and compiled through such a strict vetting process, not just from shooting from the hip of opinions or beliefs but actually evidence the book will give insight of many facets of aspects in detail by doing the research, the homework, and vetting the information through strict guidelines, and this process will take months and upon months to collect all the data of information before a draft is drafted of the book or even published with an editing process of validation of final approval for the future published book.