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How Is The Partial To Future Full Government Shutdown Going To Really Affect Our Military/ Veterans?

Writer's picture: Warrior Timothy W SandersWarrior Timothy W Sanders

Blog Entry 25

What is he think while the government is shutting down partially and here in the near a full government shutdown?
Mr. President Trump (Picture from the NYTIMES)



The government has been officially announced by Mr. President Trump to be partially shutdown due to because of the Democrats from the Senate not willing to work with what has been proposed by Mr. President Trump to fund the "Southern Boarder Wall", but while both political parties on both sides of the aisle are blaming each other for not coming up with a practical and beneficial 'Spending Bill' that doesn't contain the expenditures for Trump's Wall that the Democrats are insinuating they will not support or even will make it possible due to their beliefs that the 'Wall' is a political stunt to rally Mr. President Trumps base, and the Democrats believe that what Mr. President Trump has planned for and has set-forth already with the building of the "Southern Boarder Wall" is not within their liking of how the southern boarder should be addressed.

On the other side of the political aisle of the Republican Party there is talk and many of the them are making the notion that what was offered by the Democrats the first time and what would be feasible has changed now with a counter offer of changing it to a lower amount of 1.3 Billion instead of 1.6 Billion, but Mr. President Trump was asking for 5 Billion, but the Democrats immediately rejected that amount to fund the southern boarder wall. Now Vice-President Mike Pence has tried to make an offer of a little over 2 Billion, but no sale (No Deal), and it seems the book of Mr. President Trump's "The Art of the Deal" I guess only works for those that don't have any political government dealings with trying to make deals with the government but only in the civilian business sector?

So, what we have here is a back and forth on both political parties of the Democrats & Republicans making it to where it seems forced President Trump to partially shutdown the government over Christmas, and by doing that is causing many government workers to go home with no pay or work with no pay or be called up during the holidays to work with no pay for some of the government agencies.

Now, keep this in mind that the Democrats have never been against boarder security it is just they are not for how President Trump wants to secure the southern boarder, and of the cost factor being an issue, but while that maybe the case, there are those who on the other side of the political aisle see it differently, and of course so does Mr. President Trump seeing it so completely different and blames the Democrats of causing the partial government shutdown. It is interesting that is what Mr. President Trump thinks but don't forget he before the partial government shutdown was threatening to shutdown the government if there was no deal made to help fund his southern boarder wall.

As you can see from the report from ABC-NEWS, of what is transpiring before the partial government shutdown to now of the partial government shutdown is real and affecting many government workers and is or will continue to affect the American people until there will be some compromise from both sides of the political party, and for Mr. President Trump make a radical change on how he secures the southern boarder, but as it looks like that is not part of plan or the deal he will make with the Democrats or for that matter doesn't seem that the Democrats are going to budge either, so now what needs to be asked how long will this partial government shutdown go on and will it eventually be a full-fledged government shutdown and how will that affect the government, and how will it affect the American people overall?

As of right now it isn't affecting the military or the Veteran community, but doesn't mean that will not be the case down the road, and if it does start affecting our military/ Veterans, and those on Social Security: will Mr. President sacrifice his own people over his passions and convictions to move forward on the southern boarder wall even if it may cause him to not get re-elected because of potential backlash of those who were affected by the government shutdown, and will his base of Trump Supporters start having second though on his ability or inability to govern the United States and to fulfill his campaign promises?

There are millions of U.S. Military, and on top of that millions of Veterans who will be potentially affected if the government is in full government shutdown, and that will also include their families, and even the economy will get a big hit. Is the U.S. government really want to go down this rabbit hole that may lead to no light or clear exit out of the rabbit hole? Only time will tell will see how far the government will go to keep the government shutdown, but there will be too many American who will be affect and are already being affected by the partial government shutdown, but what will be interesting to find out how the American people will deal with the government shutdown, and will the American people tolerate to the point of it going for longer then what is expected or of no end in sight?

Now, keep in mind that the "Boarder Patrol Agency" on the Southern Boarder are being affected so what will be next?

From what I can tell and see it from my perspective that either this was planned by both political parties to partially shutdown the government over Christmas to make a very profound statement or this is something more sinister going on that eventually will start unraveling that will not affect the United States but the whole world?

I don't think the American people was really expecting this situation with the southern boarder wall to cause such a very crazy twist and turns into a partial government shutdown right during the holidays even if it was suggested or those warned about it the reality of it then of the possibility I am sure for many wasn't going to be a factor or even so real and too close to comfort during the holidays, but from what is so far going on with the partial government shutdown is already becoming a nightmare for many who are government workers, but will this nightmare be just a nightmare or will it become a horrify doomsday time of the beginning of the end of the Republic or will the U.S. Government be able to recover from what is transpiring with the most intense in history of America of a very bitter turmoil with the Democrats & the Republicans that are putting the American people in the cross hairs all because of what has been initiated in the first place with Mr. President Trump's southern boarder wall?




Warrior Timothy W. Sanders (Blog Author/ Documentary Producer/ Future Book Author)

What I am really curious is what is going to happen with the millions to maybe a billion that is being raised from the Gofundme account that Trump's loyal base is raising to support the southern boarder wall, because even though donations from the civilian sector can donate funds to the government, but by law from what I can tell from this government code for private civilian entities of donating to the government (5 CFR 2635 201–205 and 301–304) Link: , it is that the government can accept the gift or if you want to call it a donation, but the legislative side will not promise you how it will be appropriated because they who have access to the donation can vote on how it is spent so there is no guarantee that when the funds from the Gofundme account will even be spent on the southern boarder wall, so in essence those who are taking the time of the energy and efforts might be taking a very big gamble, and there might be another battle in the chambers of the legislative arena. Only time will tell how this will end but what has already been transpiring with the partial government shutdown does not look promising at all and that the American people may need to embrace for a lot more of uncertain bleak times of a bleak future for the American government and American people.

Thank you for taking the time to read blog entry 25, but stay tuned here in the near future for part 2!

-Warrior Timothy W. Sanders








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Date Updated: 01/06/2019
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