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Will The Dept. of The VA Be Making Another Huge Mistake With Their Approach of Privatizing The VA?

Writer's picture: Warrior Timothy W SandersWarrior Timothy W Sanders

Blog Entry # 32


Here shortly the Dept. of The Veterans Affairs Administration will be privatizing by giving the Veterans who are eligible to receive benefits from the Dept. of the VA an option to out source their care in the "Private Sector", at least in theory that is what is suppose to happen, but in theory the "Choice Program" was suppose to do so much good for the Veteran community, but that didn't actually workout did it?

There has been a big push from the President of the United States 'Donald J. Trump' who has before he was elected of supporting the idea of giving Veterans better care of giving the Veteran a better choice of being able to get care outside of the Dept. of the VA & have the option to pick your own Doctor, and so has Rep. Alxandria Ocasio Cortez thinking that the Dept. of the VA should be privatized as it not being broken but a first class Dept. of the VA that doesn't need to be fixed, and there should be no push back with privatizing the Dept. of the VA; but if that is the case why should we even allow the Dept. of the VA be privatized in the first place.

There are many VSO (Veteran Service Organizations) that are not in support of privatizing the Dept. of the VA because there are concerns that the Veteran would get lost in the civilian sector, and there will be issues with the Veteran being billed of being stuck with medical bills that took place with the "Choice Program" that turned out to be a complete failure, but with those that don't support privatizing the Dept. of the VA there are those that do, and think it would give the Veteran the option and opportunity to have more say and have more control over their healthcare then with how the Dept. of the VA currently operates with the bureaucracy & red-tape with how the Dept. of the VA currently operates through their medical centers because of past or lack of Bills that seemed to fail the Veteran.

While I was in the States over a year ago there was the debate being discussed about the Dept. of the VA being privatized of discussions by the VSO's & other Veteran groups that discussed the pro's & con's, but before there was any real talk there were rumors about the support of privatizing the Dept. of the VA way before Mr. President Trump got elected by those on Capital Hill that were of some kicking the "Can Around" about pursuing a Bill that would make it possible for the Dept. of the VA to be privatized for Veterans to get Health Care outside of the Dept. of the VA.

Now, with so many scandals coming out of the Dept. of the VA for a while of failed programs like the "Choice Program" the Dept. of the VA that seems to be very desperate to figure out what needs to happen with the future of a system that can't shake their past mistakes, and issues like the very disturbing suicides that have been happening on their medical centers this year and last year, and in the past years that were not really talked about, but this year much more common, even with their recent reports of that they have concluded that there is at least 20 Veterans committing suicide a day, not the most known number of 22 a day, and that report that recently came out from the Dept. of the VA is being scrutinized by some of the VSO's.

I have discussed the pro's & con's of privatizing the VA a long while, and what I have come up with discussing this debate with other Veterans & VSO's organizations & Veteran groups; it is that there is no need to completely privatize the Dept. of the VA, because due to the fact the private & public sector are already overwhelmed by being short staff of not having enough qualified & experienced medical professionals in the medical field. The civilian population is growing and with the issue with medical care in the first place in the United States is still on the chopping block of those who think that 'Obama Care' is not working and is putting a financial strain on the United States government, and there are not enough people using the current medical care option that was ushered in by the past President of the U.S. (Barrack Obama), and yes guess who wants to get rid of the Obama Care? Yep. the current President of the United States (Donald J. Trump), despite there have been reports that it is actually working for many regardless of the past glitches and issues that came out initially when Obama Care first was launched.

I truly believe that there isn't real any fast solutions to the issues coming out of the Dept. of the VA with getting the huge system fixed or reformed before there is no return from a failing & broken system that has gotten themselves into a very big pickle that I am not really sure if privatizing the VA will actually help them get out of their very complicated situations of scandals that the Dept. of the VA was able to keep a tight lip on the scandals for awhile until what has been transpiring with the Dept. of the VA that couldn't be suppressed anymore of all that was taking place for decades with corruption, greed, illegal activities, the lies & deceptions, because the "Whistle Blower Era" during the Presidency of Barrack Obama of some of the staff of the Dept. of the VA just couldn't take it anymore of what was going on that seemed for a while being swept under the carpet or being downplayed by the leaders of the Dept. of the VA from the top to the bottom of the Executives of the Dept. of the VA that were being so dishonest by making up lies or covering up illegal activities of making Veterans be on waiting list of those who were suffering and needed immediate attention but many of those Veterans needed help eventually died waiting for care.

Henceforth, the Phoenix VA was one of the first to be on the spotlight by making headline breaking news around the world, and with that being true of the exposure of the Phoenix VA's having to face the reality of the days of denying the truth about obvious issues coming out of the VA would have other Dept. of the VA medical centers have the spotlight on them as well, as if there was a "Domino Effect" happening. I guess you can call it "Fate" or "Karma" but regardless within the Veteran community there was a lot of talk & reports coming out the VSO's but for awhile they were being ignored until the "Whistle Blower Era" came into effect with staff members of the Dept. of the VA of Doctors coming forward to tell a narrative that would bring forth the (Whistle Blower Act) that would protect those who came out making allegations about the agencies or departments from the U.S. government that would protect them of those who would bring forth incriminating allegations against those or entities within where they work, such as the for example the Dept. of the VA., but from what I heard there still is a lot scrutiny coming from those who are most affected by the "Whistle Blowing", and there are still folks having to still live in a "Blacklisted" environment because when you become a "Whistle Blower" you may be protected by laws but doesn't mean life gets better or you gain support of have a bunch of people on your side but actually the opposite happened to many at your work place in government entities.

Now, with Rep. Alxandria Ocasio Cortez recent comments that the Dept. of the VA isn't broken & Mr. President Trump backing up her claims to be true should be concerning especially when you got Generals & VSO's saying something completely different, and of course such as myself with having first hand experiences with the dealings of the Dept. of the VA, and with me writing my book, 'Warning Broken Promises Ahead!' in which establishing my missions in projects that most defiantly was inspired through the sheer motivation to keep with the "Whistle Blowing" going because with those who seem to be foolishly ignoring the facts that there are so much going wrong with the Dept. of the VA still to this day even after the past major scandals of Veterans dying and still are because of lack of care or the neglect of getting the care the Veteran deserves and has fought for while serving and for many while out of the military.

The Dept. of the VA is like a "CRACK-HEAD" needing it's fix, and the fix that the Dept. of the VA is needing is to keep the addiction of Money of Greed, Power, and Control to still be on the high that keeps them going because without that they would just be completely unable to keep the "Well Oiled Machine" from moving, because just like a drug addict such as let's say as I stated above a "Crack-head", when you ask a drug addict if they think they have a problem: many would be in denial and say, "NO!" Just as being the same case for the Dept. of the VA they keeps making excuses and point the finger at others but the Dept. of the VA just can admit they have a problem, and they are doing their best of not addressing the issues that keep plaguing them of still being in the spotlight that isn't going away from them but actually staying fixed on them.

The Dept. of the VA keeps making mistakes over and over, and with the privatizing of the VA becoming a reality; the question asked in this blog entry 32 is a good question, and I hope many really think long and hard before even thinking what is about to be hatched is just going to fix all the wrong that the Dept. of the VA still seems to not doing a good job of making wrong into a right or really fixing the current issues coming out of the Dept. of the VA. presently. It seems even with the backlash of privatizing the Dept. of the VA, the privatizing of the Dept. of the VA is going to happen, but with all the past mistakes that has been hatched by a very much a failing & broken system; will this be another mistake of misfortunes or will privatizing the Dept. of the VA actually work, but only time will tell if this will be a bust on the expense of the Veterans & the Taxpayers.

Let me leave you with this: that I suggest those who are reading this blog to do your homework, research, and do some fact checking on your own, because there is so much going on with the Veteran community. There is a lot to be gained & there is a lot to be lost with the Dept. of the VA as a failing & broken system with keeping up with the same old same old business that hasn't worked in the past by not really addressing the core issues coming out of the Dept. of the VA that has been a cancer in the Veteran community way before the recent scandals when President Obama was at his last term and a new President was coming into "Office", and that being eventually Mr. President Trump who he himself seems to not really be in reality with the fact that I have been saying for a long while that it is the Veteran community needs to have a "Universal Health Care Program for Veterans".

But for that to work, you are going to need to make radical changes with the Dept. of the VA by reforming it, and by making the Dept. of the VA held to the fire and to be held more accountable for being a failing & broken system that needs to be cured from it's sickness of being a failing & broken system with major issues that ultimately stems from those on Capital Hill not having enough oversite and for not really giving a damn about the Veteran community because the (Bills) that were suppose to benefit the Veteran community actually became a nightmare and caused a huge headache for many Veterans, such as the "Choice Program". There are those on Capital Hill that do give a damn but have their hands tied because of those that don't give a damn because they are being fooled and blinded by those who lobby them to keep up with the "Monkey Business" coming in& out of their chambers that seems to have a deep, rich and deep roots of politics having the last say on the expense of those who served & fought in the military & the taxpayers who voted for those who are suppose to represent the "American People" but instead are selling out the "American People" for in many cases for personal gain or for at times I am still not always sure why the obvious for the American people isn't always so obvious for those who have the power, the influence, and the means to make a positive change but keep falling short; why is that?


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Blog Author:

Blog Author, Advocate, Producer, Future Published Book Author
Warrior Timothy W. Sanders

Insight Message:

As an advocate for about a decade in the Veteran community, I have seen the good in people & I have seen the bad in people and that goes for myself, but what really gets me about dealing with people in general compared to a system like the Dept. of the VA; it is the straight-out "Hypocrisy" by those who are making the ones who do give a damn about the Veteran community look bad while those who do give a damn are working with such idiots around them or of those who have the power to fix the nonsense coming out of the Dept. of the VA but just don't do what is right. Dealing with one idiot is one thing but dealing with a huge system of them (IDIOT'S) is a terrible thing knowing that you are outnumbered.

Lastly, thank you for reading blog entry #32, and I hope you got something out of this blog entry, but please check out the other blog entries, and please let me know what you think by giving me some feedback or input on this blog entry or the others!

Don't forget to keep yourself posted on the social media platforms or periodically check the website out for updates!

Yours Truly,

-Warrior Timothy W. Sanders

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Date Updated: 01/06/2019
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