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What Is The Big Deal of Legalizing Cannabis For Our Veteran's For Medical Use or Anyone?

Writer's picture: Warrior Timothy W SandersWarrior Timothy W Sanders

Blog Entry 24

Are we in an era where legalization of cannabis will be the end of the era of the "Reefer Madness" exploitation of false and misleading information about not telling the truth about a harmless plant that some think is a gift from God because of it's overwhelming known healing properties it visually produces for those who consume the processed cannabis through many ways of consumption: or will the legalization of cannabis be looked in history as another error on the leaders around the world by next generations to come?




There has been a very known taboo about the association of those who are "Pot" users (Cannabis Users) for decades and decades, because of that taboo of many around the world being misinformed by their government such as an example the United States of America: for a long while there were scare campaigns by government funded Anti-Marijuana Campaigns in the 1930's and for decades and decades of the "Reefer Madness" that U.S. government used to discourage those from partaking of the consumption of the so called dangerous wicked plant that would make you crazy and make you do very bad things. For a long while the rumor was or at one point of studies were done that concluded it is a 'Gateway Drug' that would lead you down to other addictions of more addictive and of the other illegal dangerous drug such as (Liquor, Heroin, Opium, Methamphetamine, and etc.).

The reality of today and the reality of the past really are not lining up like they use to for many factors, and one being that the times of changed, and not everyone is buying into the whole taboo imagine that cannabis once had a bad rap for because the U.S. government spreading misleading information about the plant that has a very historical past that doesn't just stem from the roots of the the beginnings of the U.S. a few centuries ago but many more to many more centuries before the settlers of the Colonist from Britain during the 16th century, but it dates back B.C. where in the times before even major civilizations were forming, and if you really want to be technical the roots of cannabis dates back from the beginning of the creation of the world that has been referenced in the "Holy Bible" and among other ancient scrolls and scribes of historical references to cannabis being a holy ointment that some scholars have concluded that even Jesus Christ may have used for consumption or of use during his time here on earth while disciplining through his ministry.

There are still, to this day are convinced that weed (Another name for cannabis) is of the devil and still is a gateway drug, and is not of God, especially major religious churches or organizations around the world claim that if you smoke pot (Another name for cannabis) is polluting your temple of God, and will cause you to sin against God, and you are not true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. But you have to consider that most religious leaders are misinformed and because of getting bogus in accurate facts about cannabis because of of the government and not enough real studies being done, and most importantly in-which how one is raised and taught did play a major role on how a person perceived or judged the taboo of weed being used or of who was using it on how the stereo type of the use of cannabis was being portrayed in the church or even in the communities across the U.S. and elsewhere around the globe.

Now, biblical references from the "Word of God" known as the "Holy Bible" does clearly state that all seed bearing plants are good (Genesis 1:11-12), and from the "Holy Bible": 11 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed , and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

Even with God's backing up that what He created of seed bearing fruit to be, but many Bible Scholars don't think or believe that cannabis is what God was referring to, but that cannabis is a byproduct of what was created through the cursing of the ground by God after Adam & Eve was disobeying God through not listening to God to not take the fruit from the "Tree of Life" that was in the center of the 'Garden of Eden'. If that is true then why has that plant that comes from a seed, and bears fruit has been used by mankind of his chosen people of the "Jews", and among others before Christ Jesus, and even there are mentions of Jesus Christ consuming cannabis, and the video about "Cannabis-The Holy Incense"? How can a cannabis plant be bad for you if it actually producing healing properties, and the whole plant itself can be processed for 'Hemp' in return will produce oils, textile, rope, medicine, and fibers?

I really cant see how a seed that yields such a fruitful benefit of producing healing properties or produce a finish product of materials that can actually make your life better not worse.

From what I can tell from many years of experience of being cannabis user, and of all the studies I have done on cannabis from what others who object and don't support cannabis to be used or consumed of those who are ant-cannabis really don't have a foot to stand on or have factual concrete evidence to dispute the opposite of what many religious folks can bring to the table of their convictions to be against cannabis all to the simple fact that there is nowhere in the bible that can support such ridicules claims against the overwhelming evidence that can actually support that cannabis is not of the devil or a bad thing at all.

Because it has actually made other people lives better for those who partake of the harmless plant created by God, and from my past history of smoking cannabis for me it actually helped me in ways that in the videos above has explained the benefits of using cannabis for medical purposes, but even though I am not currently using cannabis for medical or recreational purposes, and of abstaining from it for almost a year, there are days that I really wish I had a bowl or a blunt especially the days when I am not doing well mentally or physically, but I don't want to go to jail in a country I am not a citizen in or have my missions and projects overshadowed by the government of the Philippines as being a front or of me having a hidden agenda of exposing the way they treat those who are potheads or consuming cannabis for medical uses.

I know there are many who do smoke pot in the Philippines, but with the current President so dead against any type of drugs that have a history of having a very bad rap or imagine: it is best to just ease into helping with those who need to be educated about the truth of cannabis by advocating the benefits of allowing cannabis to be used for medical purposes, and to put a platform in place such as with my blogs, and social media platforms, and to help guide others to other folks who are active cannabis users or advocates through their platforms so others get linked with those folks to be able be more informed, etc instead of doing the opposite that could be misinterpreted, and taking out of context and not to forget to remind myself that I will get locked up because, 'NO!' I am not in Kansas anymore, and there is a time and place to rebel but not while your host is not on the same sheet of music with you at least not as of yet, but maybe one day the taboo of cannabis in the Philippines will change through more of advocating and teaching those who don't understand or know the truth about cannabis as I have stated before.

But as I have mentioned this to my Filipino family there are no promises I will not go back to using cannabis for medical and recreational because while I was smoking medical cannabis and since I have stopped using my quality of life has declined and my way of living has been more complicated since I refuse to take mental-health medication that I know was causing me more health problems and causing me to more mental and have a decline in my mental-health, and in my book I am writing I will explain more in detail of the examples of why I know the drugs the VA push you for many cases are not so good to take especially for a long period of time and will damage your organs and create more mental-health issues of a result to the medication having very dangerous side affects, especially the pain medication, and psychotropic medication. How I know this is because of being on the medication the Department of the VA had me on for over ten years or more, and the experience was not very pleasant at all.

Furthermore, from what I have posted with the videos will I hope help put things into perspective of making a determination to support cannabis or to continue not to because of being a skeptic and not believing what has been presented to as evidence that cannabis is not that drug you thought it was. Around the world there are countries who are following pursuit of what Canada has been able to accomplish of being a country that has legalized cannabis federally, and the U.S. seems to be right behind Canada probably in the next five years or sooner. Even Mr. President Trump has mentioned that he might make it easier for the lawmakers to legalize cannabis by declassifying cannabis from being a 'Scheduled 1' classification, and to not veto the "Bill" that will legalize cannabis, and by doing that it will pave the way to make it not a criminal act of breaking federal laws, and will also open doors to generate a higher tax revenue for not just the States but federally.

There still needs to be more advocating / educating those who still don't think that cannabis is going to truly be good for their government overall, but it does take time and more to see from what is taking place with other countries like Canada or the U.S. or even other countries for other countries to get on board with supporting Cannabis, but from where decades and decades ago of how cannabis was once looked at by many as being to taboo to now of where many of the people from Canada and the U.S. are speaking out against keeping it from those who need it for medical reason or for those who just enjoy smoking weed has come a long way of building a better reputation, and has gained more support through advocating, education, and research from those able to study the benefits of the healing properties that cannabis has by seeing the results of how it affects those who consume cannabis through various approaches of how it is processed makes it possible to improve the use of cannabis of honing in into understanding more of the good then what has badly been talked about about cannabis through out the years.

In closing, I would like to mention that not just Veterans will benefit from using cannabis for medical reasons but anyone who needs cannabis to help improve their lives because God knows that creating the seed to have it grow to be used because of its healing properties will benefit those who need it to help combat the reality of living in a world that can bring cruelty into your life, and my God is a healer and will use the natural approach of healing those as I have mentioned before and what has been mentioned in the videos I have posted in this blog entry. It is true that the Pharmaceutical companies is doing everything they can to stop cannabis from hurting their pockets and they are blocking and doing whatever it takes to keep cannabis from taking over the mental-health and medical fields, because if that happens or I should say when it completely happens the "Big Pharmo Companies" will be losing out big more so then now.

There is of course to cover with thew current stories and research of cannabis and from what I mentioned with the title of this blog entry, but seriously what is big deal with cannabis for our Veterans or anyone who needs it because instead what has been produced through this blog entry can only be a result of shedding more light on the taboo of cannabis, and bring more truth that will show the importance of making cannabis legal all together so the access to cannabis is not restricted and those who are cannabis users can stop being isolated or fear to be incarcerated for smoking a nonlethal plant that no one has ever died from consuming it or overdosed compared to what the Big Pharmo Companies are producing through their medications that can result to death or major health problems.

You be the judge on how you will proceed after watching the videos and reading this blog entry, and I suggest to go to the Lord for guidance, and may the Lord show you the truth behind cannabis that many of the churches around the world don't want you to believe it is true that cannabis is a healing gift from God, and I and so many others can prove that to be true through our testimonies of why cannabis if used properly, and not misused will benefit those who are users of cannabis, but just like anything if you over use something there will be side affects or challenges to overcome, but the challenges are minimal compared to the man-made medication that have been known to kill you at the end but with cannabis it has been known to bring you happy trails of feeling cool, calm, collect, and consumed by the healing plant that just wants to love you, and heal you so you may not be unable to enjoy living a fruitful life that doesn't discomfort you but brings positive quality of life that does bring you to the point of having hope.


(Search Engine Keyword: cannabis, veterans using cannabis for medical use, legalizing cannabis, the healing properties of cannabis, the taboo of cannabis):


Author's Note:

I would rather smoke a joint or don't and possibly go to the Joint (Jail) for risking my freedom all because I chose to not take a proactive approach to my future of having and living a better quality of life through accepting the fact that cannabis make not cure me or heal me completely but it help you have hope and more trust in the Lord then finding out the hard way of trusting those who are against a plant my God has created knowing that it can help ease the pain and suffering but until I am able to get the orders from the Lord to go back of being a cannabis user from medical reasons I will just have to keep gritting my teeth, and do what it takes without cannabis to not be in so much pain and suffering, but life is a journey and with cannabis or not, because God has not left me nor has He forsaken me, and He will supply all my needs through the righteous divine love of His mercy tenderness of grace towards me even when I know what will help but doing what is right so I am not stopped from being able to move forward in life, and so my joy, and peace of mind is not compromised.

But for those who can, more power to you, and I pray and hope you will not stop fighting for those who can't by being that advocate or that voice to speak out like many are starting to do and have been doing to help make it possible to bring a dream into a reality of hope.

I hope this blog entry has been inspiring, educating, and has brought some more clarity of truth that today's blog entry is using this blog entry to get as many people to be exposed to the truth instead of avoiding it or have been lied to about the false accusations that brings no justice to the table but nothing but headaches of disappointment and confusion.

Thank you for taking the time of reading blog entry 24 & may it of been insightful or bring confirmation, and please when able checkout the past blog entries!

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Warrior Timothy W. Sanders

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Date Updated: 01/06/2019
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