"Why Should We Believe or Trust the U.S. Government: With the Veteran Community?"
(Blog Entry 17)
The question I have to ask before I move forward with this blog entry 17 is of this:
How many think there is no corruption in the U.S. Government, and if you don't think so, why is that?
There are many in the U.S. that think that corruption in the U.S. is minimal, and that it is a past time occurrence that is not a regular factor because many in the U.S. have become ignorant to the fact that in 2018 is no difference of corruption being possible because many have come to the conclusion that the U.S. Government is a land of laws that are being enforced by law abiding government agencies, and within those agencies there are officers of the government that have been sworn to uphold the laws of the land (I am not just referring to Law Enforcement, I am referring to those that work for the U.S. Government, and yes Politicians as well I am referring to who make laws).
Here is a quote from a very famous known politician and one of the founding fathers of the United States of America: Thomas Jefferson:
"When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil."
Now to understand Thomas Jefferson, you have to understand he was a stoic and a very much a thinker of being familiar with corruption in governments because of the experience of dealing with a Monarchy of England, and knowing that his newly formed Government is no different and his revolutionary revelations of seeking to understand more of his insights of government as being one of the leaders of a very newly government; his aspirations to see the U.S. not to be trapped or befall into such a corrupt government after his passing and generations and generations in the future to be a reality; but because of that concern; it is why he thought is was vital to address and stress the substance of truth to a young Nation for his present country men and women and for the future country men and women.; because he knew what it would take to see all the fruit of the labors of those who helped form the U.S. as with his efforts to be spoiled by the ignorance of a Nation that forgot where they come from because of trusting in a system that has grown to become bigger than what it was intended to be because big government has room for corruption and failure for the American people.
Keep this in mind that Thomas Jefferson was no Saint, and have had his own craziness of a dark past of historical contradiction, but his vision of small government sounds good but may not be the best solution but should not be ignored completely.
From the beginning corruption has stalked the purity of a virgin of a country by those who have the seed of evil and misguided intentions that will reveal the motivations of greed of corruption that stems from a selfish gain to ignore the integrity of a Nation's reputation and of its basic need to be for the people and by the people, but the truth is when those who hijack a country through the desires of personal gain or self interest goals; it becomes evident that the integrity of a Nation will not be able to regain its purity or genuine intentions to a Nation that are for the people and by the people if all the while people in the government and the government as a whole prove through actions that do not lineup with what was intended for a government to be for the people and by the people when the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
The other question that we need to ask ourselves is of this: Is big government the right direction?
Is gig government the right direction is a question that has been tossed around by many in the U.S. and is really a very good question; don't you think?
Also, what is interesting with that question is the whole while as the government is getting bigger, and more difficult to manage there are huge supporters to a big government and those who support big government are not addressing the concerns of how the U.S. has become with the government growing with the residual effects to the approach of the big government approach; and that should be alarming to note that even while the government has not just grown the government has been in the spotlight of a numerous controversies of black eye embarrassments within the U.S. Government and Internationally as well.
Furthermore, the U.S. Government has throughout history has become a land of laws, and while the laws at times seem vital to the integrity and solidarity of being a stable/ functional government that needs to be a Nation that functions with the approach of being able to be governed without the fear or opposition of having rebellion or instability; but while that is true there are so much wrong on how that approach as shown to eventually backfire because of how the U.S. Government has proved that while people are put into power of those who represent the districts within the governed States of the U.S. the representations of each State is not always having the best interest of the American people, and as a whole there are conflicts of beliefs & opinions of approaches on how the U.S. Government should be governed does vary based off on who the elected official is representing politically.
The two party system has proven throughout time that it's platform changes and evolves based off of what has been implemented as what is the motivating factor of what will benefit the political party nad what is most popular based off what the major issues that the country is facing and of what is causing tension or what is the influential factor behind the motivation of moving forward with how the country will be governed at the time.
So, now you see the history of the U.S. is quite complicated and very much a government that says one thing and does the opposite and for decades and decades the government has gotten very big and very difficult to manage, and depending on who you talk to you will see that there are folks that the U.S. Government has become the tyrant towards the American people and are the biggest bullies out there and using influence/ power/ and money to cause those in power to be dictated by an ideology or beliefs that are supported by those who either don't know the truth of the past of our government or do and don't care, and that goes with the current relevant issues the government is facing; and that all has to do with disinformation campaigns the government puts forth and the propaganda machine to keep the truth becoming a reality; but thank God that social media has evolved to where it is now very difficult for the government to just put out information that at one time would be looked at as being factual through the notion that if the government is putting the information out the information must be true, but of course time has proven to not be the case and the U.S. Government has a track record of bending the truth or completely lying to the American people.
For example, of how the government has proven to not exactly be the most honest government is how they treat others, and what they will do to do what they think is best for the U.S. government and how they justify of what it was necessary to meet the objectives that put forth the directive to address issues in the U.S.
If you don't know but the U.S. government has a track record of lying to the American people, has proven to destroy, kill, and steal from others for the gaino f what is National Security, and what is looked at as being what is in the best interest of the U.S. Government all the whole while destroying peoples lives and even destroying cultures and lifestyles all for the betterment of a Nation all for the motivation of keeping the future secure for a Nation even if it means there will be blood stained hands on the government; regardless if it means that justifying the means through whatever it takes to make it happen if it is popular or not at the time.
Now, you might think the past is the past, and the U.S. Government has changed, and our Government would not revert back to a past because there is no proof of any such thing of possibly proving the contrary; right? Wrong, and if those who think that is the case that in 2018 there is no proof of a government being bad for business or being still the problem with how it conducts itself on a day to day basis; you are definitely living under a rock, and have no clue about the U.S. Government of the past and of the present government that still is pursuing the approach to destroying, killing, and stealing from anyone that will get in the way of the current missions and goals to keep the U.S. Government alive and well on the expense and at any cost off of the American people or internationally as well.
Sure, I can understand this sounds ludacris, and very off the wall, but is it really are you sure that is the case what proof do you have and what truth do you have to dispute what has already been mentioned as being crazy of even thinking this way? Yes, I understand that what has been mentioned sounds like conspiracy theory stuff that has no factual truth but just opinions, but that is true for those that are not informed enough about things that the government doesn't want you to know or what you to even find out unless you have found out through unconventional approaches that are not the normal channels of how you get your information that is not mainstream media.
Downbelow I will give some bullet point examples of what has happened in the past that will show why it even sounds feasible to even have the notion to think about why the government at times should not be believed or trusted right off the bat:
The U.S. Government's Past Dealings:
How the U.S. Government treated the Native Americans
How the U.S. Government betrayed and treated WWI Veterans
The handling of Japanese Americans during WWII
How the U.S. Government caused Ruby Ridge/WACO/Bundy Standoff to transpire as it did, etc.
International Failed Diplomacies of the handling with Vietnam/ Middle-East/ Benghazi/ Putting Dictators in power to just eventually put American troops in harm's way because of greed & power
The U.S. Government putting drugs on the street to create war on drugs and to build the biggest Dept. of Correctional Empire in the U.S.
The scandals of dealing with the Dept. of the Veteran Affairs Administration from its beginning of creation from when it became evident of being a reality most recently starting with the past presidency of President Obama's administration
So, as you can see they are widely publicized, and a real truth on how a government can behave towards others, and there are so many more examples, but for now I think this is good enough, and what I have put forth so far is making the point of what I am trying to convey in this blog entry.
Now, let me give you examples of what is currently going on with the U.S. Government:
Broken Failed Dept. of VA system by allowing our Veterans no free healthcare/ mental healthcare (Veterans Dying on a regular basis and are homeless on a regular basis)
Political Corruption on the rise
Spying on the American People
Failed Immigration Policies
Failed Foreign Policies
Wars with no end
High Taxes
Inflation on the rise
Failed Laws
Government getting bigger not smaller
Failed DOJ (Dept. of Justice)/ DOC (Dept. of Corrections)
And yes I can go on with other examples, and it all depends on how you believe this to be true or not or it all depends why you don't believe what I have mentioned or where you stand with your political beliefs or your understanding of the history of the U.S. and your understanding of the current dealings the U.S. as a whole is or not being honest or is being forthright of what is the main goal for why the U.S. government has become; it is all in what, why, and how your judgment of your perspectives are influenced or not.
Lastly, the U.S. Government does not have a very good track record over all with how it has been treating the American people as a whole and even internationally, but with how it has been dealing with the Veteran Community is another example of a failed government towards those who have served, sacrificed, and fought for a country that is supposed to be the land of the free because of the brave; but are we really the land of the free, and the brave are the brave while the land seems to under control of a government that is getting closer and closer to control the American people to the point of dividing a Nation for what purpose of what motivation of what ending result?
Here are examples of how the U.S. Government is failing the American Veteran currently:
No free access to free healthcare for the American Veteran
Long waiting times to see a health provider
American Veterans being turned away of getting treatment (End result the American Veteran commits suicide 22 a day or more or less it all depends but the number is too high in the first place)
Corrupt VA Staff
Government funding being spent unwisely
Old rating system for Veteran claims
Unprofessional & Disrespectful Administrators/ Human Resource/ and Customer Care
Those are very current examples of how a government treats their American Veterans, and the treatment is not just a current approach it has been a very active and very much a reality for a longtime on how the Dept. of the VA has been in business with treating our Veterans for decades and decades when you look at the fact of past treatments towards the American people in general to how they treat those who signed a blank check by our American Warrior/ Heros.
Here are examples of past failures from the U.S. Government towards our American Veterans:
Lying to the WWI Veterans who were supposed to get a bonus if they won the war
Vietnam Vets being lied to about the Agent Orange that many Vietnam Vets were exposed to (After about 30 years being told by the government that there is no link or any relation to the increase of sickness and death related to Agent Orange: after 75% or more died because of the links to the illnesses of Agent Orange created), and then after so many of the Vietnam Vets died is when the U.S. Government admitted to the coelation.
The Camp Lejeune-Marine Base Contamination of the Water of the government denying that there is to be any concerns or to be alarmed while the whole time many in the government covered it up until there were no way to cover it up, and after many got very sick with the Marines, and other military, and families, and civilian personnel.